18.10.2023 14:14
822 lasīts
(šodien 2)
Tantriskā Lingama masāža ir jutekliska masāžas tehnika, kas aptver visu ķermeni, ieskaitot intīmās zonas. Mērķis ir atslābināt ķermeni, nomierināt prātu, uzlabot ķermeņa sajūtas, pamodināt seksuālo enerģiju. Tā palīdz pilnīgāk izjust seksuālo baudu un iemācīties "noturēties" ilgāk. Nekāda veida sex kontakti šeit nav iekļauti un netiek apspriesti. Tikai apzinātiem un pieaugušiem vīriešiem, 33+
Attēlam ir informatīva nozīme.
Professional Tantra Lingam massage. Private sessions. This massage is a sensual massage technique that covers the entire body, including intimate areas. The goal is to relax the body, calm the mind, improve body sensations, awaken sexual energy. It helps to experience sexual pleasure more fully and learn to "hold on" longer. No sexual contacts are included or discussed here. Only for conscious and adult men, 33+
Attēlam ir informatīva nozīme.
Professional Tantra Lingam massage. Private sessions. This massage is a sensual massage technique that covers the entire body, including intimate areas. The goal is to relax the body, calm the mind, improve body sensations, awaken sexual energy. It helps to experience sexual pleasure more fully and learn to "hold on" longer. No sexual contacts are included or discussed here. Only for conscious and adult men, 33+